The Astral Water helps us to clean our body, mind, aura and our etheric matter from everything that does not benefit us, we can also clean our environments, home, office, business, and furniture from any bad energy.
The preparation is very simple, but it is highly effective
* 1/4 ether
* 1/4 ammonia
* 20 camphor tablets crushed so that they become camphor powder
* 1/4 orange lotion
* 1 bottle of essence of Nardo or Sandalwood
* 1 large and fresh bouquet of Basil
* 1 large and fresh bouquet of Ruda
* 1 large and fresh bouquet of Rosemary
* 1 large and fresh bouquet of Pirul
* 1 large and fresh bouquet of Hierba Buena
* 1 carafe or large container to store the mixture, preferably glass or light in color
* 5 liters of holy water
* 1 large bucket to make the mixture
* 1 damp white cloth
* 1 funnel
Step 1
You are going to gather all the bouquets of herbs and you are going to remove their leaves from each of the bouquets, we will only use the leaves of each one of the herbs, it is important that the herbs are cut by hand without the help of sharp instruments.
Step 2
In the large bucket we are going to place all the leaves of the herbs, we are going to add the powder of the 20 camphor tablets, later we empty 1/4 of ether and 1/4 of ammonia and cover it with a damp white cloth , with the help of a watch we let it rest for exactly three minutes.
Step 3
After the previous three minutes of rest, we remove the damp cloth and add 1/4 of the orange lotion and the essence of Nardo or Sandalwood and again with the help of the damp white cloth we cover the bucket and let it rest for three minutes. exact.
Step 4
At the end of the three minutes we rub our hands vigorously and when we perceive heat, cold or some kind of energy in them, we raise them to the sky to ask the divinity, universe or celestial energy, whatever they want to name it, to allow us to receive their energy so that through our hands, we fill it with this astral water, for our maximum good of ourselves and of each one of the spaces or beings by which it will be touched, we place our hands on the bucket and we can recite a mantra, prayer or any phrase that fills us with joy and protection, at the end we make a bow and give thanks.
step 5
With the help of the funnel, you will empty only the water from the bucket and place it in the jug where you will store it.
Done, that easy you already have your astral water ready to fill you with good energy and protection.
Note: we recommend using this water in a small container that helps us spread the astral water, such as diffusers or sprinklers.
May this water fill you with blessings. Thank you for being, being, and reading this blog, share it with your friends and family.
A hug of light